Where can I set up a Trophy?
Trophy Setup takes place inside your ship! To visit your ship interior use the minimap UI button that looks like a triangle, it opens a list where you can select the Visit the Bridge option. Once you have entered your ship interior, there are two areas where can be used to display your trophies.
Starfleet ship interiors
- Captain’s Ready Room: Located on the bridge of your ship. Once you have entered the Ready Room, look for a couch with two shelves above it. Approach the couch and a new interaction option to Setup Trophies will appear on the right of your screen. Both of the shelves in the Ready Room can be used for wall Trophies.
- Lounge: Located on the Crew Deck of your ship. The Trophy wall is directly opposite the bar. As you walk into the Lounge and up to your Trophy wall, a new interaction option to Setup Trophies will appear on the right of your screen. There are four shelves and one floor trophy location. The shelves hold the wall trophies and the floor displays much larger trophies.
Klingon ship interiors
- Captain's Ready Room: Located on the bridge of your ship. Once you have entered the Ready Room, turn to the left and look for a shelf. Approach the shelf and a new interaction option to Setup Trophies will appear on the right of your screen. There are two shelves in the Ready Room and both can be used for wall Trophies.
- Mess Hall: Located on the Crew Deck of your ship. After entering the Mess Hall turn around and face the way you came in. The Trophy wall will be just to the right of the door. As you get closer to the Trophy wall a new interaction option to Setup Trophies will appear on the right of your screen. There are four shelves and one floor trophy location. The shelves hold the wall trophies and the floor displays much larger trophies.
How do I set up a Trophy?
Click the Setup Trophies interaction button and you will be presented with the locations that are available for trophies. Select one of the locations and categories will be presented that are appropriate for the location. When you click a category, it will display what selections you have available in that category. Choose an appropriate Trophy and it will display in the Trophy location you have selected. To move an Accolade trophy from one location to another, you may need to clear the shelf where it is currently displayed.
What kinds of Trophies can I set up?
Ship Trophies: Some Captains like to display their favorite ships, and many of them are available for display. As you increase rank you will find more ship Trophies are available for display.
Accolade Trophies: Other Trophies are connected to an Accolade, and if you have completed the appropriate Accolade, you should receive the ability to place the associated Trophy. Please be aware that only certain Accolades have a Trophy associated with them.
Fleet Action Trophies: These require that you place first in an associated Fleet Action.
Episode Trophies: These are earned by completing specific Episodes. Some of these Trophies simply require completing the episode while others require you to complete secondary or hidden objectives.
How can I tell what Trophies I have unlocked?
The user interface does not currently have a way for you to view all of your Trophies at once. When setting up your trophies you will be able to select from the ones that you have earned. If there is nothing listed in a particular category you have either already placed the available options in another area or you have not yet earned a Trophy from that category.
I do not see a Trophy that I should have earned, what can I do?
Double check the Trophy location – Are you attempting to place a floor Trophy in a shelf location? If so, the floor Trophy will not appear as available unless you are looking at an appropriate floor Trophy location.
Also, double check your Accolades to make sure that you have completed the related Accolade. Look at your other Trophy areas and see if it is already on display. Be aware that Fleet Action Trophies are not retroactive, if you completed it before the Season 2 patch, you will need to do it again. As Episode Trophies may have hidden components, not everyone will gain these trophies for doing the same episode because people may do things differently.
HINT: helping friends complete episodes that you have already completed may be enough to trigger the related Accolade.